About IBR

Reykjavik Sports Association (ÍBR) was founded on August 31st, 1944, to represent the interest of sports in Reykjavik. ÍBR is a member of The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland, Youth Association of Iceland and connects the sporst clubs in Reykjavik to the Reykjavik municipality.

Reykjavik Sports Association (ÍBR) was founded on August 31st, 1944, to represent the interest of sports in Reykjavik. There are over 41,000 members in 77 active sports clubs in Reykjavik alone. With funding from the municipality of Reykjavik, ÍBR is able support the clubs and members e.g. for facilities for training, competitions, travel costs and more.  

ÍBR is also responsible for allocation of training slots in the city's sports facilities to both sports clubs and the public, supporting elite athletes and the sports clubs, organizing sport events, such as Reykjavik International Games, Northern Lights Run, Suzuki Midnight Sun Run, Laugavegur Ultra Marathon and Islandsbanki Reykjavík Marathon. In addition, operations from Skautahöllin, ice-skating rink in Laugardalur, organization and participation of the International Children’s Games and the Nordic capitals school games.

Íþróttabandalag Reykjavíkur
kt. 670169 1709
Engjavegur 6, house 1, third floor.
104 Reykjavik

phone number: 535 3700 / email: ibr@ibr.is

ÍBR Board Members:

Ingvar Sverrisson (chairperson)

Lilja Sigurðardóttir

Viggó Viggósson

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir

Guðrún Jakobsdóttir

Kristinn Traustason

Margrét Hafsteinsdóttir

Benedikt Ófeigsson

Brynjar Jóhannesson

ÍBR Staff:

Áslaug Sigurðardóttir

Birta Björnsdóttir

Darri McMahon

Frímann Ferdinandsson (CEO)

Hrefna Sveinbjörnsdóttir

Hrönn Svansdóttir

Jakob Bjarnason

Magnús Jónsson

Margrét Elíasdóttir

Ragna Kristjánsdóttir

Steinn Halldórsson


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  • Merki UMFÍ
  • Merki Reykjavíkurborgar
  • Merki ÍTR
  • Merki Íslenskrar Getspár
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